5983 mobs indexed via radar "Tedious data entry was never so easy."
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NameZone name
Thara StonehammerAegirs Landing
Cearl SmithAvalon Isle
Master SceleyBlack Mtns South
Elvar IronhandCamelot Hills
Ellard FallCampacorentin Forest
Judan HammerfelCity of Camelot
Seysild AldarCornwall
NelandCruachan Gorge
ArnfinnEast Svealand
DahnEast Svealand
Alfdis RannveigFaraheim
TomkinForest Sauvage
svartalf smithGotar
Alfdis RannveigGripklosa Mountains
Corlissa MarlonIsle of Glass
Trynt MadocIsle of Glass
Morlin CaanJordheim
TorquilMidgard Atlantis
BrysonMount Collory
Adalstein GronholmMunin Sound
GordMyrkwood Forest
DuyalOceanus Anatole
BerendOceanus Anatole
TopiasOceanus Hesperos
TopiasOceanus Hesperos
AydinOceanus Notos
JanikaOceanus Notos
Lillian BrydgerSalisbury Plains
ReettaStygian Delta
ReettaStygian Delta
SabinaStygian Delta
ShibeelStygian Delta
Genlu EdrillVale of Mularn
RolloVale of Mularn
CornelisVale of Mularn
RolloVale of Mularn
HildeVale of Mularn
VahnVale of Mularn
Kol SmithirWest Svealand
Agnard FyrehamerYggdra Forest
All material Copyright 2002 Bryan Mayland, except where otherwise noted.