- July 12, 2003 -- Changed INI path again, which might fix people's settings not saving correctly, as well as the new "Cannot write to .\waldo.ini" error. - Dec 18, 2002 -- Changed INI path, might fix problem with the error "Cannot write to ./waldo.ini" error that some people are getting. -- Include xml transforms in distro for working with mobsearch function. - Dec 2, 2002 -- Fixed order of parry / block attacks. The were considered in reverse so the parry number was inflated and the block number was too low. -- Fixed Avg damage being higher than max for people with Damage Adds. Basically, the min / max damage was not including the damage add bonus and the avgerage was. Min Max and Avg all now include damage add bonus. -- Added "Playing the Odds" to tradeskill screen. Shows the count of items made since that quality or above. - Nov 18, 2002 -- Added graph to show crafting quality distributions while tradeskilling. -- Mob search better, still not implemented. - Sept 2, 2002 -- Test build with crossbow fix. -- Added mob search basics. Don't try it or it will crash :) - July 30, 2002 -- General bug fixes. - March 5, 2002 -- Oops, XP still wasn't parsing correctly. -- Fixed problems with lockups when guild chat triggered an incorrect parse. - March 5, 2002 -- Made drop list resize with window resize. -- Fixed parsing of commas in experience, realm pioints, and bounty points. - Feb 20, 2002 -- Opps, shrunk the default screen size down too much and the map page's South labels were off the right side. -- Fixed weapon style damage (again). The code was adding the line where it said "You perform you Uberstyle perfectly! (+99)" to the damage line. This is not the case according to testing that I've done. Thanks to Dave Nelson for bringing this to my attention! -- Added support for shots taken with bows thanks to information provided by Choice DeRiguer in Hibernia, Merlin. -- Fixed bug where some XP values weren't getting parsed properly causing blanks in the XP graph. -- Added Realm points and bounty points of combat stats screen. -- Added handling of "You send, " messages so the parser won't get confused when you say something that looks like a real log message. -- Added some resizing code. XP graph and loc map now scale with form size. -- Fixed up the reset button code in the Combat Stats page. Now actually resets all combat statisics. -- The /loc is not written to the chat.log file any more. Therefore the map is broken. I'm trying to decide what to do with it, but until further notice, it doesn't do anything. - Jan 14, 2002 -- Fixed bug where first experience earned would be displayed twice on the experience graph. -- Beautified the outgoing damage grid. -- Added a version label to the main chat log screen. -- Added DAoC graphic to the main chat log screen. Image is trademark Mythic Entertainment, Inc. and is used without permission. -- Added code to make the browse button on the main chat log screen actually do something. -- Organized the main chat log screen. Now you shouldn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to get started. -- Added out attack delay stat. Due to the resolution of the time in the chatlog file, it takes a number of swings for this number to average out properly. -- Added a DPS rating to the out attack grid. This number is actually Damage Per Second, which doesn't match the DPS displayed in DAoC for the weapon. I don't know where they get that number from. -- Fixed incorrect date in changelog.txt for version :) - Jan 10, 2002 -- Fixed bug where minimum damage by attack style was showing up as 0 sometimes. -- Experience display is now formated with thousands seperator. -- Added East/South Location display to map page to indicate where marker is set. -- Lock button to prevent automatic page change is now implemented. -- Added enemy kill count to attack stats page. -- Fixed Missed / Evade / Block / Parry percentages. It used to assume that chance to hit was figured before you had a chance to E, B, & P. I've now done some tests that indicate that chance to EBP is first, then AF/DEX miss. -- Fixed bug causing incorrect display of percentage for Evade Block Parry and Miss. -- Added ability to click MOB name on Combat Statistics screen to change MOB for which stats are shown. A lock buttons has been added to prevent this from automatically changing. -- Fixed access violations that would occur if a log began with an evade, block, parry, or incoming miss. -- Added an experience graph to the Combat Statistics page. Now you can watch your XP dwindle as you camp a spawn point! -- Removed the Current Target label from the Combat Statistics page. -- Fixed problems where MOBs with no "the " preceding their name (like named MOBs) weren't getting all their log lines parsed correctly. -- Fixed problem with zip file which prevented all maps from ever displaying. -- Added a dialog to select out attack enemy and in attack enemy on the combat statistics screen. -- Fixed some issues with Healers in groups not getting their experience counted correctly if they never target the MOB their group kills. - Dec 4, 2001 -- Combat statistics now collected on a per-mob basis. Display switches to the correct mob when targeted. -- Outgoing attack statistics now display without need for clicking the update button. -- Parsing of mob drops. It's ugly, but it's a start. -- Starting support for collection information by gaming session. -- Parser speed optimizations. -- Map should autodisplay when you do a /loc (only when not parsing whole file). - Nov 20, 2001 -- Fixed Filename combobox clearing out the filename when you add a new one -- Fixed bug selecting file would throw an exception when opened -- Added total experience counter -- Fixed combat style damage. Number was missing bonus and was too low. (Thanks for the info, Virgil in Midgard, MLF) -- Fixed bug where a combat style followed by a normal hit were both being counted as a style swing Unlabeled version -- First available build